Cossio Insurance Agency can provide quality insurance for Cheerleading or Gymnastics. Coverage can be provided for facilities providing both cheerleading & gymnastics or for either sports separately. Due to the nature of cheerleading and gymnastics with the flips and jumps; it is not surprising that there will be injuries. According to USA Today & Safe Kids Worldwide there are surprisingly more injuries in Cheerleading than in Gymnastics. Cheerleading had 37,770 ER visits for athletes under 19 while Gymnastics had 28,300. Out of these visits Cheerleading had 5,920 concussions while gymnastics had a considerably lower number of concussions at 2,080. Cheerleading actually has the third highest concussion rates among the ten most popular sports.
Although Cheerleading & Gymnastics have some of the lowest numbers of injuries out of the top ten sports, the numbers are still high enough that you do not want to risk going without insurance! Our staff will go over your insurance needs to make sure that you will be properly covered and explain your coverage options to you. We have unbeatable rates on general liability & accident medical for your cheerleading insurance & gymnastics insurance! Give us a call today at 864-688-0121 to get a quote.
*Source: USA Today. "1.3 million youths a year have serious sports injuries". August 6, 2013.
On top of your cheerleading/gymnastics insurance policy there are some additional policies that you may need to make sure that your business is fully covered.
This coverage is a requirement in most states if you have employees. It provides coverage for bodily injury, medical bills, loss of income, death for all employees, full time or part time.
Make sure that your dance instructors are covered even if they are part time!
Download Workers Comp Application
This provides coverage for your business property for fire, theft, vandalism on premises, or if Inland Marine while off premises. If you cannot afford to lose your inventory to theft or fire, this is an important coverage to purchase.
Download Inland Marine Application
Your personal auto policy has an exclusion for business use so you will have no coverage under your current auto insurance policy. A commercial auto policy will cover you for both business use and personal use. If you use a trailer to carry your rentals to the location add this unto your policy.
Download Commercial Auto Application
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